some Tips of Json & Java servlet
1-Tomcat connects derby. 2-innerHTML="". 3-replace("\'"). 4-< input checked > in Chrome
Tomcat & Derby
Need to add derbyclient.jar into library-"apache-tomcat/lib"
then code as in Glassfish, which embedded derby
String driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver";
String url = "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/Jun_Yin_A1_DB;create=true";
Connection conn;
//create JSON
JSONObject jo;
//function of Derby database connection
protected void connectSql() {
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
}catch(Exception e) {
If want reset the content of a certain element, cannot just code as someelment.innerHTML="code"
Correct way is reset it as empty and then assign a new code in.
<h5><strong>weather: <label>"+JSONresp["weather"]+"\
</label><label id="+"time"+">"+"post on: "+JSONresp["year"]+"-"+JSONresp["month"]+"-"+JSONresp["day"]+
"</label></strong></h5><br /><blockquote><p>"+JSONresp["diary"]+"</p></blockquote>";
Replace ' before execute sql command
as "'" will end the query command. example as
String sqlexcute = "INSERT into test (title,date,weather,mood,diary) values "
+ "('"+ title + "','" + date + "','" + weather + "','" + mood + "','" + diary + "')";
best way is using @variable query, or replace("\'","")
< input checked > in chrome
Chrome cannot display a checked input if code like this
<input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="sunny" checked="checked"/>Sunny
<input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="rain"/>Rain
<input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="cloud"/>Cloud
need to add < td >
<td><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="sunny" checked="checked"/>Sunny</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="rain"/>Rain</td>
end. 2014-1-20