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Android Google Map V2 API

As for now tons of developer cannot deploy Google Map API on their android emulator. This article is to solve this problem

Step 1:

  • Download SDK, connect with your eclipse or netbeans.
  • Download google play service on SDK, and do same to all of android 4.4.2(latest)
  • Create an android project, copy SDK/extras/google/google-play-services/libproject/google-play-services_lib this folder into your projects' libs folder
  • a) for eclipse: Import the folder mentioned in 1.3(not the sdk's lib folder, but your project's lib folder), then right click your project and choose "android", add this library.
    b) for netbeans: Right click your project and click libs, add this folder(not the sdk's lib folder, but your project's google-play-services_lib lib folder).

Step 2:

  • go to sdk/tools (or probably sdk/platform-tools in windows) in terminal. run command

android update lib-project --path "folder google-play-service's path
in your own project rather than its original one --target android-xx"

sometimes maybe need --target android-xx(xx is up to your emulator, mostly is 19 if you use android 4.4.2)

  • go back to IDE, click "clean and build", it should succeed. It can run on android devices but still doesn't work on emulator

  • download two apk files named: com.google.android.gms.apk and com.android.vending.apk, or your can leave your email by reply, I'll send these two to you ASAP

  • go to sdk/platform-tools in terminal, run command

adb install -r com.google.android.gms.apk/com.android.vending.apk
(make sure these two files are in this directory, otherwise you need type absolute path)

  • if it show failed, and with some information like "FAILED-SHARED-USERS", please follow next step 3, otherwise Congratulation! you made it.

*Step 3:

  • command line:

adb shell chmod 666 /data/system/packages.xml
adb pull /data/system/packages.xml - get the packages.xml

  • modify the packages.xml, delete all content between < shared-user> < /shared-user>
  • command line:

adb push packages.xml /data/system - upload back to android
adb shell rm /data/dalvik-cache/*
adb reboot

  • if you cannot use adb command, please restart adb -

adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices - see if your running emulator is showed on screen

  • if feedback is those two apk existed, then uninstall them by

adb uninstall com.google.android.gms/com.android.vending

then install again.

OK, all processes have been introduced. You may ask any question encountered by reply.

end. 2014-02-05

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